Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My 20 Tips For Twitter Success

Check out this article by Joanna Ciolek, published January 13, 2010. She talks about 20 different things that you can do, and avoid, to better your position in the Twitter market. Brush up on your skills today to achieve great success tomorrow!

Here is the article:

There is so much talk about what it takes to be successful on Twitter. Some seem to be better at it then others. We all agree, Twitter is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow and market your business. Let’s learn to use it to our advantage then.

My 20 Tips For Twitter Success

While I’m relatively new to Twitter (joined less then a year ago), I’ve learned quickly that Twitter is about engaging, interacting, sharing, giving, learning and growing. Here are my 20 tips for Twitter success.

  1. First and foremost be authentic. Don’t be afraid to show your personality. To stand out, be yourself and do your best to add value to your community. Your followers will be drawn towards an authentic voice. Soon your business will grow in the process.
  2. Avoid self-promotion, this will only scare people away. Instead concentrate on building relationships by actively engaging in natural conversations.
  3. Be approachable, genuine and respectful. Treat others the way you’d want to be treated.
  4. Engage with your followers. Take the time to get to know those who follow you, learn who they are and what interests them. Read the stream and respond to anything that you find interesting, re-tweet, answer questions, acknowledge their RTs. This will start to build a community around you and your brand.
  5. Be personable. Provide a personal connection by creating a fun and inviting profile with a nice picture/background.
  6. Reach out to those you follow as some of them may have not noticed you. Let them know you’re there; get noticed. This can be easily accomplished by re-tweeting their awesome content, adding them to one of your lists or tweeting them directly.
  7. Stay upbeat and positive. No one likes drama, badmouthing or plain negativity. This doesn’t mean that you should be something you are not but with every tweet you have a choice. Be positive or stay away.
  8. Respond to mentions and DMs. Don’t ignore.
  9. Give and you shall receive. RT others as you’d expect them to RT your content. Offer help, provide useful information and guidance. Be there for your people and they will return the favor when you are in need.
  10. Don’t be boring. Entertain, be funny, be snarky, be real.
  11. Be multidimensional. Don’t just tweet about marketing only because you are a marketer. You are so many more things. Tweet about your hobbies, kids, that funny thing that happened to you this morning, anything that your followers might find interesting. One-dimensional tweets are boring.
  12. Follow people and conversations relevant to your niche. This will help you grow your skills, expertise and your business network.
  13. Grow your community by connecting people with one another. Make introductions, support and coach others.
  14. Talk less, listen more.
  15. Get to know your audience, their wants and needs, to understand where your business needs to grow. Only after you learn what is it that people are looking for, you can give it to them.
  16. Numbers mean nothing. You are better off having 20 true friends that 2000 strangers who care nothing for you.
  17. Always seek out new people to connect with.
  18. Take those online relationships into offline friendships.
  19. Never tweet anything you wouldn’t want your mother or your boss to see.
  1. Don’t spam!

… And That’s a Wrap

My best advice for Twitter success is to be yourself, be real and invest in building relationships just as you would in the ‘real world’. In fact, interaction, response, and reciprocation are keys to building lasting relationships via any social media platform. The key here is remembering the social part. When you promote and support the community you are a part of, you contribute to its growth and prosperity and that will trickle down to your own business.

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