Monday, August 9, 2010

Queen's Guitarist Creates a BANG!

Over the weekend, I went hiking in the beautiful hills of Virginia. On my way back, to my delight, I stumbled upon an interview between Terry Gross and Queen's guitarist Brian May on NPR.

I was ecstatic to hear a man that not only plays in one of my favorite bands but who is also interested in science and photography!

During their interview they talked about the band and the music but then they switched gears to talk about how May went back to school to get his doctorate in astrophysics at Imperial College in London.

He mentioned how he was fascinated with stereoscopic photographs and had been collecting them for years.
The term stereoscopic represents any technique that enhances the illusion of depth or 3D imagery. This collection led up to his second book A Village Lost and Found. The book showcases imagery that he has collected over 25 years depicting a small village in London during the 1850's. As a designer, who manipulates imagery in a two-dimensional space, I found this 3D process to be very interesting.

Check out the full interview at