Monday, October 18, 2010

Swiss Grid Inspiration

Graphic Design has evolved through the years like fashion has. Every historic moment in time has effected how people communicate their style. After the Art Deco period ended in the late 30's early 40's a new kind of graphic design emerged out of Switzerland. This movement began in the 1950's and adapted the name The International Typographic aka "The Swiss Style."

The graphic artists in this movement focused on clean lines, readability and the grid system. The use of empty space combined with text, images or both created the minimalist look. Josef Müller-Brockmann was one of these Swiss designers who has left an impact on designers around the world. He was born in Rapperswil, Switzerland in May 9, 1914 and has written many books on the grid system for Graphic Designers. Check out some of his poster designs that showcase the minimalist aesthetic with interesting ways of using the grid system to create clean lines.

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